So on one of those crazy nights where I literally had 15 minutes to get food on the table I whipped out some pre-made raviolis, cooked them (which takes, what, 3 minutes?) and made a brown butter garlic sauce. The longest part was waiting for the water to boil to cook my raviolis so the whole thing came together in less than 10 minutes. Awesome sauce! It gave me 5 minutes left to shoot a few quick photos and wa-la! I was eating and back out the door. I know I’m a bit of a “from scratch” snob, but there are a few things I can feel okay buying premade. Raviolis are one of them. And dang, the kind I used were SO good! You can always make your own and freeze them, too. All I know is, that when I’ve only got 15 minutes, I can still bust out something way better than the drive-thru. Ingredients 4 tablespoons butter1 clove garlic, crushed Instructions

  1. Heat a small saucepan or skillet over medium heat. Melt the butter. Stir or whisk it and cook for 2-3 minutes after it all melts, until it starts to brown. When it starts to get those brown flecks, remove it from the heat and stir in the crushed garlic. Stir or whisk for another 30 seconds. Done. Δ Δ

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